Back posting is rough and all the California posts I'm going to write about in the next month are all back posts. It's been about a year since I've visited California . <_< However I never got around to writing about the plethora of places I've visited and I did a LOT of fooding.
My boyfriend wanted to stalk the Kogi truck after reading about it online. So once we let down in Cali , we checked our twitter account and went off to catch the closest Kogi truck which was near Ameoba music on West Sunset Boulevard. I think the hardest thing about the venture was actually finding legal parking and not the truck itself.
By the time we had parked and moseyed over across the street to the food truck there was already quite a line assembled. I was surprised they actually were selling merchandise as well as food. Sure they were just shirts, but it's still merchandise. Anyways, we basically knew what we wanted to order already since we perused the menu online while looking up the truck.
We bought a Korean short rib taco (I think it was a short rib taco...), Korean tofu taco, Kogi dog, and Kogi kimchi quesadillas. As I said it was a year ago and I didn't have a note pad on me at the time to write down any thoughts about the meal. However, I can tell you that the next time we go to LA, we will be once again frequenting the Kogi truck. =) So I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves this time.
Top Right: Kogi Taco (can't remember which one it is)
Top Left: Kogi Taco (can't remember which one it is)
Bottom Right: Kimchee Quesadilla
Bottom Left: Kogi Dog
Kogi Truck
Location: Somewhere in LA
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