My first new post of this year is going to center upon the South Florida Fair. It’s an event that graces our presence once a year here in Palm Beach County. Now, I have not been to the fair since I was back in middle school. That’s nearly, if not more than, a decade ago. So my boyfriend and I decided we would go check out the sights and the fair “cuisine.” Our decision was also spurred by the fact that we received fair tickets from my uncle for Christmas.
While I realize that finding haute cuisine at a local fair is a far fetched concept, I was not prepared for the onslaught of strange foods that we did encounter. Does anyone not see something wrong with the following pictures? I mean…really?
"Chilli in a bag” and “Donut Burgers”, seriously? This is what we as Americans deem fair food? I also found frito pies, chicken parfaits, and pulled pork parfaits. I love finding unusual foods and trying them out, but these foods crossed a culinary line for myself. Instead we opted to try out a giant corndog and ribbon fries with the works.
While having all the trimmings upon ribbon fries was a great idea, it was not well executed. Yes, yes…I am aware it’s still just fair food and I shouldn’t expect too much out it. The nacho cheese was only lukewarm and this quickly turned to cold with the wind that day and the ribbon fries were soaking with grease and not crispy, a sign that they were not fried long enough. I love the idea however and next time I go to Bru’s Room I’m ordering my buffalo chips (essentially ribbon fries) with all the trimmings possible.
The corn dog was sadly only lukewarm since it was under the heating lamp for who knows how long and therefore was also a disappointment. The breading was quite thick, though it did have a decent taste (if only it were hot). The true disappointment came when we noticed that the “jumbo” hotdog part of the corndog was just two normal sized hotdogs pierced upon the same stick. *sad face*
Before we left, my boyfriend just had to buy a pulled pork parfait. It just looked THAT enticing to him. I am going to attribute it to his fondness of BBQ. Now I didn’t take a bite of the “parfait” so I can’t attest to whether it’s good or not. However, the two people who did sample the dish told me that it was “awesome.” Before you freak out though, let me inform you that it is NOT made with icecream, but with BBQ sauce and mashed potatoes.
All in all, the fair was an alright experience. We walked about and saw the many different sights from strange foods, shows, to rides. However, I’m going to leave the fair to the younger generation (though I’m not really THAT old), it’s just not my thing anymore.
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